You’re expecting an order from China and you have received a “Feijijingang” status update.
What does this update mean exactly? Where is your package when you receive this alert and is there anything you need to do?
Let’s take a look…

Summary: Feijijingang – AliExpress Tracking
The word “Feijijingang” (or 飞机进港) is Mandarin for “Aircraft Arrival”. When you see the “Feijijingang” alert on your tracking page, the aircraft carrying your package has arrived at an airport. This could be the destination country or an intermediate transit country.
Feijijingang Tracking Update – Guide

When shipments leave China very often they are transported by Chinese carrier services.
The tracking systems used by these companies are understandably primarily in Mandarin. In the translation of the various alerts into English, confusion can occur.
In this example, “Feijijingang” is a translation of “飞机进港”.
As I stated in the summary above, this simply means “Aircraft Arrival”.
One way to avoid confusing tracking translations is to cut and paste your tracking number into a free service such as 17Track or Parcelsapp.
In most cases, these tracking services will show the correct translations at the same time as provide more detailed information on shipments that have left China.
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Where is Your Package When you Receive the “Feijijingang” Update?

Now that we have established what “Feijijingang” means, it is quite possible to ascertain where your shipment is by looking at the accompanying details included in the update.
The airport where the package has landed could be the destination country or a transit country.
The latter clearly means that the package has further to travel before it reaches the destination.
However, location information should be alongside the “Feijijingang” update, proving the information you need about the current whereabouts of the package.
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Tracking Stuck on “Feijijingang”

One issue to remember when dealing with a shipment from China is that they take time.
Aliexpress states that standard delivery can take anywhere between 15 and 45 business days.
This wide delivery window is due to the potential delays that can occur while a package is in transit.
Furthermore, the most common hold-ups occur after a shipment arrives at the port.
This is understandable.
If the “Feijijingang” has been triggered when the shipment arrives at the destination airport, it will now have to go through the process of customs and transfer to the carrier responsible for delivery.
This always takes some time.
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If the “Feijijingang” is triggered upon arrival in a transit country, there is a delay while the package is unloaded and then assigned to another aircraft for the remainder of the journey.
During these processes, there are no guarantees that you will receive another update, (this is a low-budget delivery from China after all).
Essentially, your package is moving as it should. Albeit the progress is slow, and you may not be seeing any new alerts, nothing awry is taking place.
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What to do When Tracking Stuck on “Feijijingang”?

My number one recommendation when the tracking is stuck on an AliExpress shipment is just to wait it out.
No new alerts or even contradictory updates are all par for the course.
These deliveries take time.
However, it is important to be aware of your buyer gurantee period, (60 days in the case of AliExpress).
Ensure that if your package hasn’t arrived as this delivery window draws to an end, you open a dispute for a refund or a replacement.
I’m a 25 year veteran of USPS. I’m retired now, but as the editor of Mailbox Master, I can’t quite remove myself from the carrier industry just yet. 🙂