You’re expecting a delivery from Canada Post and have received an “Item Has Arrived in Canada and Will be Presented for Review” tracking update.
What does this mean exactly? Is there a problem with customs and is there anything you need to do?
Let’s take a look…

Summary: Item Has Arrived in Canada and Will be Presented for Review
This update means that the shipment has arrived in Canada and Canadian Customs will be inspecting the package. It does not mean there is anything wrong with the shipment, it is a general check on the nature of the contents and to assess whether any duty and taxes should be paid, (or have been paid correctly).
Item Has Arrived in Canada – Guide

It can be disconcerting to receive a tracking alert that is associated with a customs check.
Even if you are confident that the contents of the shipment are all okay and that paperwork and duties are all as they should be, the inspection can feel like a precursor to problems.
The important issue to realize is that although you have received an “Item Has Arrived in Canada and Will be Presented for Review” status update, it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the package.

The update only means that the package is now in Canada and has been selected randomly for a check. It is all common practice.
Much like the machine may bleep at the airport and your hand luggage is checked for bomb-making traces (this seems to happen to me all the time); the machine at customs clearance will bleep on a random package for officers to take a closer look.
- Related Content: Item Re-routed Due to Processing Error – Canada Post
What Will Customs Be Reviewing?

As with any international shipment entering the country of import, if it is presented for review there are several issues customs staff will pay attention to.
These include:
- Whether the contents of the package are on the restricted list
- Whether the package has entered Canada from a problematic origin country
- Whether tax and duties have been paid on the item (if applicable)
- Whether the amount paid is correct and in line with the value of the contents
- Whether any extraneous import documentation is as it should be
While this may seem like a relatively stringent list, in the majority of cases, a shipment will be perfectly fine and should pass through the check without any issues.
- Related Content: Canada Post “Item Delayed Stay Tuned for Updates”
Tracking Stuck on “Item Has Arrived in Canada and Will be Presented for Review”

Firstly, it is quite possible that your tracking can be stuck on this update for several days.
Depending on the backlog and any delays in customs, the package could be stuck at the back of a long line of checks, with staff unable to carry out a visible inspection for quite some time.
During all of this Canada Post does not have your package, and therefore cannot provide any new updates.
The next update you get will be once the item has cleared customs and is handed back to Canada Post.
(The alert you want to see that communicates this progress is: International Item Released from Customs for Processing by Canada Post).
However, if an issue has occurred with customs you will receive a notice from them about the next steps.
What to do if Tracking Stuck

Essentially, if the reason your package isn’t moving is due to a problem with clearance, you will have to take action to resolve this.
Customs will contact you if taxes or duties are owed.
If there is a problem with documentation or the contents of the package you will also be notified.
Either way, it is important you follow the steps set out by customs for your package to be released.
If no information is forthcoming, you will need to contact Canada Post and/or the sender to start inquiries about the whereabouts of the shipment.
What Happens After an “International Item Released from Customs for Processing by Canada Post” Alert?

Once the package has cleared customs and handed back to Canada Post, delivery will not be far away.
From the facility at the import location, the package will then be sorted and dispatched to a facility closer to the recipient’s address.
From this facility, it will be sorted once more, before going out for delivery.
At this point, the final delivery will take place.
I’m a 25 year veteran of USPS. I’m retired now, but as the editor of Mailbox Master, I can’t quite remove myself from the carrier industry just yet. 🙂