You’re expecting a package from Evri (formally Hermes) and the tracking number isn’t working.
What does this mean? Is there something wrong with the shipment and is there anything you need to do?
Let’s take a look…
Summary: Evri Tracking Number Not Working
There are a number of reasons why your Evri tracking number might not be working. Using an incorrect number is the most common cause, (either typed incorrectly or the wrong one received from the sender). Logistical issues can also cause your Evri tracking to not update, (and seem as if it is not working).
Evri Tracking Number Not Working – Guide
I recently ordered a new laptop in the UK (from eBay) and the carrier service responsible for the shipment was Evri.
What ended up being slightly confusing for me is that I had one tracking number when checking my order via eBay tracking, and a different one through the Evri app.
Let’s break that down a little bit.
Basically, I was given an 8-digit tracking number (that started with a P) when the order was made, and once I downloaded the Evri app, the same order showed a 16-digit number.
If you head to the Evri page on tracking your order, it is the 16-digit number that they go with.
However, in this case, eBay provided an 8-digit one.
I bring this up because if you are in a situation where your Evri tracking number is not working it is important that you are using the correct one.
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Evri Tracking Number Format
So as we’ve established (and as written on the Evri FAQ), they use a standard 16-character tracking number that can consist of both letters and numbers.
You’ll have been given the 16-digit tracking number when you booked your order or, if you’re receiving a parcel, the sender will have details of it and should’ve sent it to you.
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Why Your Evri Tracking Number Isn’t Working
There are a number of innocent reasons your tracking number isn’t working.
We’ll take a look at these before launching into the more negative potential reasons.
1. Using the Wrong Tracking Number
If like me, you get your eBay order number and Evri tracking number muddled up, you will experience problems.
In short, the tracking database you are using will consider the number to be invalid and you will not be able to retrieve any details of your shipment order.
2. Typed in the Number Wrong
The same applies if you have typed the tracking number in incorrectly.
Double-check by trying the number again, and where possible, it is recommended that you use the cut-and-paste option.
Even then, it can cause an error if you add an extra space after the characters for example, or cut the wrong number.
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3. Incorrect Details Were Sent From the Sender
There is also the potential that the sender has sent you the incorrect details.
It might be the tracking number of an old order for example, or if sent in an email, entered wrongly.
If you suspect an error on the part of the sender, you will need to contact them to confirm the correct tracking number.
4. Using the Wrong Tracking Page
Also, you should check that you are on the correct tracking page (namely that of the one belonging to Evri).
Connected to the first point above, you should also confirm that you are using the right number for that specific tracking database.
The above all come from human error on the part of either the sender or the receiver.
Here are some scenarios where there is a problem with Evri or a less-than-honest sender.
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5. Evri’s Logistical Issues
If your tracking number stops working in it is no longer updating, it is a sign that Evri has experienced a problem with the progress of your shipment.
If the tracking doesn’t work for over 3 days, (i.e no new updates in that time), I recommend that you contact Evri here.
I had to do this just last week with my laptop delivery.
First, you will go through a number of questions with the Evri chatbot.
Then you should get the option to elevate your issue to a customer representative.
In my case, it 24hrs to receive an email with details that the package had been delayed and that Evri was looking into it.
I then saw an update on my tracking page stating the same. The following day, the item was moving again.
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6. The sender / Seller has Provided a False Tracking Number
If you are really unlucky and the Evri tracking number hasn’t worked from the very beginning, it could be that the sender has given you an incorrect number.
I stated above that you will need to confirm this with the sender.
However, if they are slow in getting back to you, (or even never reply), you may have been the victim of a scam.
The order was never sent by the sender, and a false tracking number was provided to keep you off the scent, so to speak so that they could exit with your money.
In this case, you will need to continue inquires with the sender or platform you bought the item from, as well as Evri to see if they do in fact have a shipment on the way to your address.
In most cases of fraud, it will be the sales platform that you attempt to recover a refund.
Evri will not be to blame in this scenario.
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Worth Noting:
Sometimes there can be a delay of a day or two between when a tracking number is provided, and the first scan and update that Evri sends.
It is important to take this time into account before suspecting that the sender has in fact not sent the shipment.
I’m a 25 year veteran of USPS. I’m retired now, but as the editor of Mailbox Master, I can’t quite remove myself from the carrier industry just yet. 🙂
EVRI tracking often does not show correctly on ebay for example. Its just logistics. Millions of parcels a day means something is bound to fail sometimes. Personally I have not lost a parcel in ten years. Delays yes, but they always seem to get through .