You’re expecting an International delivery from Landmark Global and have received a “Scanned at Landmark Crossdock Facility” tracking update.
What does this mean exactly? Where is your package when you receive this alert and is there anything you need to do?
Let’s take a look…

Summary: Scanned at Landmark Crossdock Facility
This update means that the package has arrived at a crosscock facility (a sorting center with minimum storage space, shipments are sorted from inbound to outbound with speed), and has been scanned. Within a short time (normally within 24hrs) the item will be dispatched.
Scanned at Landmark Crossdock Facility – Guide

A number of carrier companies use crossdock facilities within the delivery network. Landmark Global is no different.
The carrier used the “Scanned at Landmark Crossdock Facility” status alert to communicate the fact the package has arrived at such a facility.
As explained in the summary above, a crossdock facility is a sorting center where shipments are immediately sorted upon being unloaded from one mode of transport, (inbound) into despatch via another mode of transport (outbound).
You can think of it as packages crossing one loading bay, (dock) directly into another.
This, in theory, leads to greater efficiency and faster dispatch times.
When the “Scanned at Landmark Crossdock Facility” alert is triggered, the package has arrived at the crossdock and is about to be sorted for the next stage of the delivery process.
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What Happens After a “Scanned at Landmark Crossdock Facility” Update?

Updates you might expect after seeing this one include, “grouped at landmark facility” and “Grouped when pallet scanned for crossing”.
They both essentially mean the same thing; the shipment has been grouped with other consignments ready to be dispatched.
At this stage, the items are still inside the crossdock facility but are being prepared to depart.
They will be in transit to the next facility (and/or cross the border into Canada) not long after this.
An update that will occur to communicate this will be “Crossing Border and in-transit to carrier hub”.
Tracking Stuck on “Scanned at Landmark Crossdock Facility”

From what we have been talking about, you might expect those next updates to occur relatively quickly.
The whole point of crossdocking is speedy delivery after all.
However, if the package misses a scan during this process, or a slight delay occurs, it could easily be a few days before you see another update.
So how do you know if any problems have arisen?
The fact is you can’t. However, if more than 3 business days pass with your item seemingly stuck inside the crossdock facility, I recommend that you contact Landmark Global to see what the hold-up might be.
It has to be said, there is no shortage of complaints about this Landmark Global online. It seems to be a low-budget carrier that is used by a number of e-commerce vendors operating through Amazon.
In other words, if you are experiencing delays, you will not be alone. Especially if you are reading this in the run-up to the holidays when shipment volumes are high.
If you believe an issue has occurred, Landmark Global can be reached here.
It is often wise to contact the seller too.
- Related Content: Crossing Border and in Transit to Carrier Hub – Tracking Guide
Final Words

Overall, the “Scanned at Landmark Crossdock Facility” update just means that the package has arrived at a facility where it will soon be sorted and dispatched to the next leg of the shipment journey.
It is one more link in the delivery network and your package is getting closer.
Only where your tracking is stuck for more than 3 business days should you look into the issue more closely.
I’m a 25 year veteran of USPS. I’m retired now, but as the editor of Mailbox Master, I can’t quite remove myself from the carrier industry just yet. 🙂