Shenzhen Sorting Center (also known as YHT Sorting Center) is a large mail sorting and distribution facility located in Shenzhen, China.
It is the main sort facility owned by China Post in that region.
Where is Shenzhen Sorting Center Located?

- Shenzen Sorting Center: 2002 Hangzhansi Rd, Baoan, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, 518128

Shenzhen Sorting Center – Times
- Receiving Times: Monday to Sunday: 9 am to 8 pm
- Working Hours: Monday to Sunday: 9 am to 6 pm
What Happens at Shenzhen Sorting Center?
As with any major mail and package sorting center based anywhere in the world, items enter the facility and are sorted for dispatch to specific locations.
As the Shenzhen Sorting Center is owned by China Post and its proximity to the largest manufacturing district in China, means that a huge flow of packages destined for the Americas and Europe pass through this facility.
Domestic packages also pass through the facility for distribution to other areas of China.
Delays at the Shenzhen Sorting Center
Because orders from large eCommerce platforms such as AliExpress, Wish, and Shien pass through the Shenzhen Sorting Center, high seasonal volumes or increased orders during the likes of Black Friday (and other promotions) can have an adverse impact on the efficiency of the center.
Just take a look at the video above to see what I am talking about.
This is footage taken inside of the center in the immediate aftermath of an 11.11 sale. Absolutely crazy.
It is worth noting that the machines in the video are the ones doing the sorting via AI. The human role is to load the machines with the parcels.
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Shenzhen Sorting Center – Tracking

There is actually not much tracking available to China Post customers when the package goes through the Shenzhen Sorting Center.
If you are lucky, you will receive an alert as the package arrives at the center.
You will then receive an update once the item has departed the center.
Sometimes your package can be “lost” inside the facility for multiple days (even more than a week).
However, note that lost in the above sentence is in adverted commas.
As the video above shows, huge backlogs can mean that your package is in a literal mountain of other parcels waiting to be sorted.
If yours ends up at the bottom of a pile like that, a delay in your shipment progress is inevitable. Delivery can definitely take time on orders from China.
In situations like this, it is best to hope that everything arrives undamaged, rather than the speed in it takes to get to you.
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Package Stuck at Shenzhen Sorting Center

If several weeks pass and you receive no update on your order, it is likely that your package is stuck inside the facility.
You have three options if this is the case…
Universal Tracking App

I recommend that before jumping to any conclusions about the item being lost that you check the tracking in a universal tracking app.
China Post tracking isn’t the best, as I mentioned, you will not always receive an alert to inform you that the package has departed the facility.
It could be that your item is in fact moving, or has been handed over to another carrier for overseas transit.
Checking for updates via a larger carrier database pool will help reveal any details of this.
17Track and Parcelsapp are good for this purpose.
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Contact China Post

If the above shows no new updates, (and you have the patience) you can contact China Post and make inquiries about the whereabouts of your order.
You can contact them via the website here.
There is also a helpful website here where users will help locate packages.
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Contact the Seller and/or Sales Platform

Finally, in situations where your package seems to have fallen off the face of the planet, you will clearly need to contact the seller.
Most of the large platforms provide buyers with guarantee periods.
You will also be able to open a dispute with the platform with the intention of getting your money back or a replacement sent, should enough time have passed so that non-delivery can be declared.
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I’m a 25 year veteran of USPS. I’m retired now, but as the editor of Mailbox Master, I can’t quite remove myself from the carrier industry just yet. 🙂