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Can I Mail a Letter to Canada with Forever Stamps?


Can you mail a letter to Canada with USPS Forever Stamps? The straight answer is yes.

You can mail a letter from the USA to Canada with Global Forever Stamps. You can also mail a letter to Canada with Domestic Forever Stamps.

However, the amount of Forever Stamps you need will vary, and the weight of your letter needs to be taken into account.

In this guide, we will look at how you can use both Global and Domestic Forever Stamps to mail a letter to Canada from the USA.


SUMMARY: Mailing a letter to Canada using Forever Stamps

  • It is possible to mail a letter to Canada using both Global and domestic Forever Stamps.
  • ONE Global Forever Stamp covers postage to Canada for greeting cards, business envelopes, and postcards, weighing NO MORE THAN 2 OUNCES.
  • Large envelopes and flats require TWO Global Forever Stamps PER OUNCE.
  • The Value of 3 Domestic Forever Stamps (total cost $1.74), is the same as 1 Global Forever Stamp, (costing just $1.30).
  • Domestic Forever Stamps are NOT a cost-effective way of mailing letters to Canada.

Mailing a letter to Canada with Global Forever Stamps

Postage rates follow USPS’ international pricing guidelines. To this end, USPS has priced its Global Forever Stamp at $1.30 in 2022.

global forever stamp
2022 Global Forever Stamp – Value $1.30

This means, that one Global Forever Stamp will cover greeting cards, business envelopes, and postcards, mailed to Canada. However, they cannot weigh over 2 ounces.

If your letter weighs more than 2 ounces you will need to add more Global Forever Stamps.

If your letter weighs over 3.5 ounces, it will be considered a large letter, and the following higher rates will apply.

For mailing large envelopes and flats to Canada, you will need two Global Forever Stamps for every ounce that the item weighs.

If your large envelope weighs more than one ounce you will have to add additional Global Forever Stamps to account for that weight.

Furthermore, you have to ROUND UP to the nearest ounce when buying enough Forever Stamps to cover the fee.

Mailing a Letter to Canada with Domestic Forever Stamps

As mentioned above, you can also mail a letter to Canada with Domestic Forever Stamps.

2022 US Flag Forever Stamp
2022 Domestic Forever StampValue $0.50

However, you need to use enough stamps so that the total value amounts to at least $1.30.

You do not have to be a math genius to understand that this is not cost-effective. A Domestic Forever Stamp costs just 58 cents.

To use enough stamps to amount to at least $1.30, you need 3 domestic forever stamps. This would cost you $1.74 in total.

In other words, the value of 3 domestic forever stamps (costing $1.74), is the same as 1 Global Forever Stamp, (costing just $1.30).

If you decide to mail a letter to Canada using Domestic Forever Stamps, it will cost you 44 cents more than if you chose to use just one Global Forever Stamp.

As with Global Forever Stamps, you will need to round up to the next ounce if your item weighs between two weights.

(Note: USPS postage prices listed based as of early 2022)

When does a Letter to Canada become a Large Letter?

canada flag and scene

As we have established, a standard-size letter, postcard, etc can be mailed to Canada using one Global Forever Stamp.

At what point does USPS price your letter at the large-letter or flat postage rate?

The USPS guidelines are quite simple.

If your letter weighs more than 3.5 ounces and/or has larger dimensions than a standard letter, it will fall into the large-letter pricing category.

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What are the Dimensions of a Large Letter Sent to Canada?

  • Minimum of 6 ⅛ inches high x 11 ½ inches long
  • Maximum 12 inches high x 15 inches long
  • Minimum thickness of 1/4 inches
  • Maximum thickness of 3/4 inches
  • Weigh between 1oz and 15.994oz

Mailing a 1-ounce large letter to Canada will cost $2.60, which is equivalent to 2 Global Forever Stamps. 

Choose to do the same with Domestic Forever Stamps and it will cost you 5 stamps priced at 58 cents, for a total of $2.90.

That’s 30 cents more than if you opted to purchase the Global Forever Stamps.

Final Words

canada flag

As you can see, similarly to mailing standard letters to Canada with Forever Stamps, the Global version is definitely the best option.

You will always be paying more than you need to if you use Domestic Forever Stamps. This is because you have to purchase enough Forever Stamps to cover the value of the Global Stamps.

The two cannot be divided equally, so you will always be buying a higher value of domestic stamps to meet the cost of the global ones.

Essentially, Domestic Forever Stamps are not a cost-effective way of mailing your items to Canada. Always use Global Forever Stamps if you can.

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