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Tracking Guide: Hermes On its Way Meaning

As with any delivery carrier, Hermes (recently rebranded as Evri) has a number of tracking alerts that are sent to customers throughout the journey of a package.

If you are expecting a U.K. delivery via Hermes one such alert you might receive is “On its way”.

Suitably vague yes, so what does it mean? Let’s take a look.

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Hermes On its Way Meaning?

An “On its way” update from Hermes / Evri is sent when the courier has initially received a package from the shipper. It means that the package is now within the Hermes delivery infrastructure, and has begun its journey in accordance with the scheduled delivery time.

Where is My Package When I Receive an “On its Way” Hermes Update?

man shrugging

It is one of the first alerts of the package journey. This means that it will be making its way through the origin facility.

It will be sorted for onward delivery to a facility or local ParcelShop nearest to the recipient’s address.

How Long Will it take to Receive my Package After an Evri / Hermes On its Way Tracking Alert?

package on doorstep

This depends on the service speed chosen. Ultimately, Hermes aims to deliver your package within the agreed time.

If the shipper has chosen overnight next-day services, or 48hr delivery, you can expect to receive your item within that time frame. (Remember, the alert is sent as Hermes first receives the package from the shipper).

Hermes also provides 3 to 5-day shipping schedules. If this was chosen by the shipper, this will be the estimated time until delivery.

How to Track an Evri / Hermes Delivery?

tracking lots of numbers

The best place to track a Hermes delivery is to head to the Evri tracking page.

Enter your 16-digit tracking number into the field provided to receive the latest update on your package. 

You can also use an 8-digit calling card number to track shipments.

How to Contact Evri / Hermes?

woman on phone complaining

Evri has a rather useful live chat function on its website. There are two chat options to choose from. The first is for domestic shipments within the U.K, (head here for the direct link).

The second option is for any package being sent overseas, i.e international orders (head here).

For the latter, you should have an order reference beginning with HRM followed by 8 digits.

Final Words

Essentially, the “On its way” status alert is quite vague, however, it is reassuring to know that the shipment is moving according to plan when you receive this update.

Depending on the service level ordered you should have your package within just a few days.

If not, you have the live chat links above to begin your inquiries.

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