What exactly does ‘FedEx Package available for Clearance’ mean?
When you receive a notification stating “Package available for Clearance” it means that the shipment is cleared for final delivery.
In other words, the important procedures involved with international shipments in terms of scanning, paperwork, and customs clearance are now finished and the item is cleared to leave for delivery to its final destination.
When you see “Package available for clearance” you know that your package will very soon be in the hands of the recipient.
FedEx Package Available for Clearance – How does it work?

A carrier such as FedEx handles countless cross-border packages every day.
With customs clearance required on each, efficient processes have been put in place in order to ensure smooth delivery of items.
This begins before your package is even put onto a plane. Items are sorted and scanned at a FedEx hub, with important international shipment information entered into a worldwide manifest database.
This database is accessed and operated by brokers and Customs officials located across the globe. This allows for clearance procedures to be undertaken while your package is in transit in the air.
Cutting Edge Communications & Technology

Working with real-time data, customs agents at the destination airport of entry are able to examine shipping manifests, assess the duties and taxes of a shipment, and select order numbers for examination upon arrival.
This can all be done while the item is the hold of the aircraft.
This ensures that most packages have been cleared by customs by the time they have reached the airport.
As they are unloaded, the FedEx Expressclear system scans the items and identifies any packages that need to be examined.
All those that are “available for clearance” will have “cleared” Customs labels attached and be transferred to the trucks for immediate delivery.
Overall, this is an extremely efficient system. It ensures that the flow of international packages between sender and recipient continues unabated.
More Details of the Customs Process

So what is this customs process all about?
I remember the first time I ordered a watch from Singapore to the U.K and the item got held up in customs.
I received warnings about my watch being stored in a customs warehouse (waiting for clearance) and how storage fees would apply.
If I am honest, it was annoyingly stressful. If the sender had used FedEx, this process would have been much smoother.
Anyway, what exactly is going on when your package goes through customs clearance?
The Purpose of Customs?

The purpose of customs as a government agency is to exam shipments and to collect duties & taxes on the flow of items being shipped between countries. It is also to ensure that no prohibited items are being sent or received.
Government officials located at the shipping port or airport are responsible for the clearance of each and every item.
Based on international shipping laws, fees and taxes may apply (as they did in the case of my watch) and will need to be paid before clearance is given.
To expedite the process a commercial invoice should be included with the shipment.
This form is written by the sender declaring what is inside the package. The total value and other details of the shipment (final destination, insurance, etc) are also included.
If this commercial invoice is filled in incorrectly, lost, or not attached, you will experience issues with the delivery.
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FAQ: FedEx Package Available For Clearance

Q. How long do customs clearances take using FedEx?
This all depends on the type of FedEx international shipment service you request. A 48hr airmail express delivery will ensure that clearance is obtained within that 48hr period, (as described above, FedEx has systems and technology in place so that your package can obtain clearance whilst in the air).
Of course, if there are any issues with the shipment, (incorrect details on the customs invoice or the item is scheduled for inspection), delays may occur.
Q. What happens once Customs is cleared?
Once the package has cleared customs it is placed onto the FedEx truck for local delivery. FedEx will send a notification stating that your parcel is now ready for final delivery.
Q. Will USPS accept FedEx packages for final delivery?
Yes, once your item has cleared customs for delivery, it may end up being delivered via USPS if the delivery address is within the United States. However, special arrangements via the recipient have to be taken for this to happen.
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Final Words
Essentially, FedEx Package Available For Clearance means that all the customs clearance processes for an item have been completed.
FedEx has systems in place so that you are notified of this status and so that you are aware that your package will soon be delivered to its final destination.
I’m a 25 year veteran of USPS. I’m retired now, but as the editor of Mailbox Master, I can’t quite remove myself from the carrier industry just yet. 🙂